Storyboard Mosaic

Storyboard Mosaic

Displaying an event unfolding has never been more elegant than with our new Storyboards. Amalgamating solid oak or walnut with contemporary blocs achieves a timeless presentation. The multiple panels can be filled with photographs or a mixture to include poetic text. Alternatively, keep it simple by using a panel to display a date, time and place – either way, Storyboard is beautifully flexible.

Item Pictured (click to enlarge)

Storyboard Sizes


Overall Size (approx) : 33½x8"
Comprising :6x6" [x2], 8x8" [x1], 12x8" [x1]


Overall Size (approx) : 42½x10"
Comprising : 10x8" [x2], 10x10" [x1], 15x10" [x1]


Overall Size (approx) : 51½x12"
Comprising : 12x10" [x2], 12x12" [x1], 18x12" [x1]




Storyboard in Detail

Zoom View

Zoom View

Storyboard Oak

Storyboard Oak

Storyboard Walnut

Storyboard Walnut